Research and reports

Research and reports

Research and reports


Download Railway Children Africa’s (RCA) latest research and reports.

Annual Report

Our highlights and achievements from January to December 2022.

Baseline assessment

Empowering street-connected youth to access livelihood opportunities through Youth Associations.

Care Experience

Lived experience of young adults who grew up in residential care centres and a Theory of Action to reorient care for vulnerable children.


Download Railway Children Africa’s (RCA) latest research and reports.

Annual Report

Our highlights and achievements from January to December 2022.

Baseline assessment

Empowering street-connected youth to access livelihood opportunities through Youth Associations.

Care Experience

Lived experience of young adults who grew up in residential care centres and a Theory of Action to reorient care for vulnerable children.

Community Care

Community Care Project and Youth Impact within the DFID/FCDO Project Evaluation.

Contextual safeguarding

A case study of RCA's work with street-connected youth in Mwanza.

Fit persons

The Fit Persons Intervention and Youth Impact within the DFID/FCDO Evaluation.

Youth Associations

An evaluation of the Youth Association Model in three cities.

Community Care

Community Care Project and Youth Impact within the DFID/FCDO Project Evaluation.

Contextual safeguarding

A case study of RCA's work with street-connected youth in Mwanza.

Fit persons

The Fit Persons Intervention and Youth Impact within the DFID/FCDO Evaluation.

Youth Associations

An evaluation of the Youth Association Model in three cities.

Speak to us

Railway Children Africa

We believe in a world where no child ever has to live on the streets.

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